Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dog trainer Instant-Access Videos

"World-Renowned Dog Trainer Releases Amazing New 'Instant-Access Videos'
That Help End Your Dog’s Bad Behavior
In Just Minutes!And They're Guaranteed To Work Even If Your DogIs Totally 'Out of Control'...Barking, Digging,Running Away, Biting, Jumping On People, Chewing Up The House, Peeing and Pooping Everwhere,Ignoring Your Every Command and More!  You Don't Have To Drag Your

Dog To Overcrowded Classes, Read Confusing Books

or Even Get Up From Your Chair...You Can Watch
These Videos 
On Your Computer Right Now and
Start Solving Your Dog's Problems In Minutes!"

Click Here To Get Instant-Access Now!

And it really couldn’t get any easier.  All you have to do is click a button and watch as Debbie demonstrates step by step how to put an end (once and for all) to all of your dog problems.  With her amazing, instant-access videos, it’s like gaining 30 years of dog training know-howin just minutes!

   You’ll return home every day and find your house exactly as you left it.  No torn up pillows.  No knocked over garbage cans.  No wet, chewed up shoes.

   When your door bells rings, a bird lands in your yard or even if a car just passes by, you’ll no longer have to put up with constant and annoying barking. 

   And you won’t have to deal with the stress that comes from others insisting that you “get rid of that dog” because of it’s poor behavior!  In fact, with the world-class training techniques Debbie shares with you in her videos, your dog will quickly become the “star” of the family!

   Here’s even more of what you’ll discover in these sensational, instant-access videos:



Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Saint Bernard Dog: The Great Rescuer Barry

Dogs are great rescuers. We all know that, but some of them are
better at the job than others. What could be nobler than saving
lives. Barry, who lived and made history between 1800 and 1814,
was one of the greatest rescue dogs the world has ever seen.
Barry was a Saint Bernard dog who earned worldwide fame for the
brave rescue operations he carried out during his lifetime. His
painting by Salvatore Rosa still hangs in a hospice in the Alps
of Switzerland.

Saint Benard dogs have such a keen sense of smell that they can
smell out people burried deep in the snow. Barry, like other
Saint Bernard dogs, was trained by the monks to rescue lost
travelers in the Alps. The Bernards, on finding a man to be
recued, lie on top of the person and start licking his face to
wake him up. Simultaneously they bark out aloud calling the
monks for assistance, hearing which the monks would come with a
stretcher and warm blankets to keep the person warm. The fellow
is then taken to the monastry and is served warm tea and food.

Barry was an expert rescue dog well versed with the rescue
drill and amongst his famous rescue adventures there is this
famous story about a young boy who was found stranded on an icy
ledge, all covered with thick snow under an ongoing, heavy
snowfall. It was not possible for any man to climb that icy
ledge, but Barry braving all adversity crawled inch by inch to
the injured boy. As the drill has it, Barry started licking the
boy's face but the snowfall was too heavy and the ledge too
difficult to climb for any monk to reach the boy. So, there was
no help coming. The boy, however, woke up due to Barry's warm
licks and wrapped his arms around Barry's strong neck. The dog
pulled him carefully and bravely from the ledge and brought him
to safety.

It is just one of the many gallant rescue stories of this great
rescuer Saint Bernard. He lived from 1800 to 1814 and saved more
than 40 lives in his lifetime.

About The Author: To get more information on pet dogs, dog
breeds and dog training and care visit

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Training Dogs: Tips On Breaking Bad Pet Habits

You want a nice, disciplined dog, who doesn't chew on anything
and everything in the sight and doesn't deafen you with his
needless barks. These are one of the most common dog problems
and can be really irritating at times. They can, however, be
corrected by proper training. Here are a few effective ways of
bringing in correction in your dog's habits:

Barking come naturally to them, and what use is a dog that
doesn't even bark. However, at time dogs overdo it and keep
barking without a reason and sometimes even after their barks
have been taken cognizance of and the offending element removed.
Then, it is high time he had his lessons in "barking habits."

Most often dogs bark to tell the owner what they feel he must
know, like an intruder, any unusual moving object, any unusual
activity or sound. They feel that it is important for them to
inform you at the earliest. This kind of warning bark is
perfectly alright, but if your dog keep barking even after
having been told not to, he needs to be trained about it.

In such situations take a squirt bottle filled with water, and
every time the dog barks unnecessarily squirt the liquid right
in his face after telling him not to bark in a loud "No". The
liquid or the squirt wouldn't harm the creature but he wouldn't
like it and would get the message eventually. This is
disciplinary action and must be adopted only when the dog
doesn't respond to your verbal commands. Keep it as a second
option and not the first.

Chewing is not only destructive but is potentially dangerous to
the dog as well, because they might ingest pieces of plastic or
wood or any other harmful object that could block their
intestines, which could be life threatening. Puppies' chewing is
acceptable because that's part of teething, but if the habit is
retained into adulthood, it needs to be corrected.

It is better to start early. So, you need not wait till the dog
grows up to teach him not to chew on things that are not meant
for his chewing. The strategy for the pup as well as for the dog
remain the same. Get some toys for the dog to chew on, and train
him to restrict his chewing to them. Watch him carefully and if
he chews on things other than his chew toys, look into his eyes
at close quarters and say in a loud voice, "No!" and then offer
one of his chew toys. He would get the message as to what has to
be chewed on and what not.

Begging for food
Never give the dog to eat from your dinner table or your plate.
Make him learn that he gets nothing by begging for food but gets
to eat at the proper time. And if, unfortunately you already
have a dog who has such a habit lock him up in another room
while you eat.

You want dogs to behave well, but good behaviour is not
something one is born with. One-- be it a human or a dog-- has
to learn to behave. So, right training is the key.

About The Author: To get more information on pet dogs, dog
breeds and dog training and care visit

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Treating Bladder Stones in Dogs With Diet

Dogs are very prone to developing bladder stones. This disease
in dogs is very much like the bladder stones that are suffered
by humans. In dogs, certain minerals block the flow of urine in
the urethra, causing pained exertion of liquid wastes. These
solidified minerals are alternatively called uroliths, stones,
or calculi.

Dogs with bladder stones may develop cystitis, a condition
wherein their urinary bladder gets inflamed, all because of the
small stones present in the dog's urinary tract. These small
stones can be made up of calcium oxalate, struvite, cystine
calculi, and ammonium urate.

Once these small stones form in the urinary tract of your dog,
your pet would show the symptoms of the disease. Such symptoms
are frequent urination, decreased amount of urine, and
straining. You may also see blood in your pet's urine every now
and then. Male dogs are more likely to be affected by bladder
stones because of their narrow urethras.

There are different ways to treat bladder stones in dogs.
However, the proper treatment is carried out only after the
veterinarian had found out what type of stones had formed in
your dog's urinary tract. As stated earlier, there are many
types of stones that could possibly form. And each of those
stones requires a different set of treatment strategy.

Bladder stones can be treated with the right diet.
Veterinarians may prescribe an acidic diet so that the dog's
urine would have a higher pH level. At that state, the bladder
stones would get dissolved and the dog would be cured

There are also certain dog foods that are especially created to
treat bladder stones in dogs. Your veterinarian would know if
these foods are going to be helpful to your pet or not. It is
very hard to give dogs acidic juices or the fresh juices of
fruits. But if the foods are scientifically prepared to contain
the needed acids, it becomes much easier to feed them to your
pet. Of course, it is also important to give your dog the
proteins and the nutrients it needs to sustain life.

However, the treatment of bladder stones through diet is only
effective for struvite uroliths. These are the type of stones
that can easily be dissolved with acids. But even so, it would
take several weeks to more than two months before the diet would
prove to be effective and potentially treat your dog. Surgery is
still the best way to treat bladder stones in dogs. Ask the help
of a qualified veterinarian to determine whether this treatment
process is the best one for your pet. Otherwise, you have to
submit your pet to other treatment procedures that would remove
the stones in its bladder in the shortest time possible.

Dogs with bladder stones tend to become irritated, excrete less
amount of urine but do it very frequently, and exhibit pain
while urinating. If you observe your dog to be suffering from
these symptoms, it is best that you take your pet to the
veterinarian right away for proper diagnosis.

About The Author: Visit us at
and find information and resources about dog bladder stones,
treatments for dog bladder stones and

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Monday, March 2, 2009

The Basics Of Dog Crate Training

Dog crate training is important for a dog and a puppy and
you'll realize that it's worth the time and the effort that you
devote to it. Crate training a dog may take from day to weeks
depending on the age of your dog, past experiences and
temperament. It is necessary to provide your dog a crate that
she can use throughout her lifetime. This serves as your dog's
haven. Dogs do have the right to privacy too, therefore crate
training your dog is very important. As an owner, you have to
limit the access while it is off leash until the house rules are

Crates are made of plastic or metal. They come in different
sizes that would suit your dog. Make sure that the crate is
large enough to allow your dog so stand and even turn around.
Crates can satisfy the need of the dog for an enclosure. This
may reduce the anxiety of separation as well as destructive
behavior while keeping your dog away from danger at the same
time. It is also convenient and can be a mobile indoor house for
your dog when you are traveling by plane or by car. However, it
is recommended to avoid plane travel for dogs.

Do not associate the crates as a means of punishment for the
dog. Rather, you portray a crate that is a pleasant place for
your dog to stay. For crate training your dog puppy, you can
place toys and other dog treats. You can also drop some kibble
or biscuits in to the crate until such time that your dog walks
calmly towards the food, you can use this treat as the crate
training your dog dog treat. If the dog is not interested with
the treats, you can toss in a toy inside. Balls and toys must be
large enough that they will not be able to swallow them. Dog
crate training allows your puppy to discover some edible
treasures. You have to pet and praise your puppy once they are
inside the crate to make them feel good and that they will not
feel that is some sort of a punishment.

After you have already introduced the crate to your dog, start
feeding them near the crate if the dog seems to be reluctant
entering to the crate. Place the dish far enough that the dog
will go readily without feeling anxious or fearful. Once your
dog is comfortably standing inside, you can gently close the
door while they are eating. When it is the first time that you
let your dog eat inside the crate, open the door immediately
after the dog finished eating the meal. This would most likely
associate a pleasant signal for the dog crate training. If you
find your dog whining to be released from the crate, you might
have taken the length of time too long in a very quick pace. The
best thing to do is to leave them in the crate for a lesser
period of time. If she whines, only open the door the moment she
stops whining. This will give her the idea that whining does
nothing and that it's not the way to get out. Crate training
dogs can be a little stressful at initial stages of the
training, but the rewards will be immense once your dog learns
to retreat to his safe heaven when he or you need time out.

About The Author: Increase the happy years of your dog by
checking out my free e-book. In it I reveal all the secrets I've
used to develop a happy, healthier dog. Visit Dr. Alfonso's

dog training blog right now…

Please use the HTML version of this article at:


The Basics Of Dog Crate Training

Dog crate training is important for a dog and a puppy and
you'll realize that it's worth the time and the effort that you
devote to it. Crate training a dog may take from day to weeks
depending on the age of your dog, past experiences and
temperament. It is necessary to provide your dog a crate that
she can use throughout her lifetime. This serves as your dog's
haven. Dogs do have the right to privacy too, therefore crate
training your dog is very important. As an owner, you have to
limit the access while it is off leash until the house rules are

Crates are made of plastic or metal. They come in different
sizes that would suit your dog. Make sure that the crate is
large enough to allow your dog so stand and even turn around.
Crates can satisfy the need of the dog for an enclosure. This
may reduce the anxiety of separation as well as destructive
behavior while keeping your dog away from danger at the same
time. It is also convenient and can be a mobile indoor house for
your dog when you are traveling by plane or by car. However, it
is recommended to avoid plane travel for dogs.

Do not associate the crates as a means of punishment for the
dog. Rather, you portray a crate that is a pleasant place for
your dog to stay. For crate training your dog puppy, you can
place toys and other dog treats. You can also drop some kibble
or biscuits in to the crate until such time that your dog walks
calmly towards the food, you can use this treat as the crate
training your dog dog treat. If the dog is not interested with
the treats, you can toss in a toy inside. Balls and toys must be
large enough that they will not be able to swallow them. Dog
crate training allows your puppy to discover some edible
treasures. You have to pet and praise your puppy once they are
inside the crate to make them feel good and that they will not
feel that is some sort of a punishment.

After you have already introduced the crate to your dog, start
feeding them near the crate if the dog seems to be reluctant
entering to the crate. Place the dish far enough that the dog
will go readily without feeling anxious or fearful. Once your
dog is comfortably standing inside, you can gently close the
door while they are eating. When it is the first time that you
let your dog eat inside the crate, open the door immediately
after the dog finished eating the meal. This would most likely
associate a pleasant signal for the dog crate training. If you
find your dog whining to be released from the crate, you might
have taken the length of time too long in a very quick pace. The
best thing to do is to leave them in the crate for a lesser
period of time. If she whines, only open the door the moment she
stops whining. This will give her the idea that whining does
nothing and that it's not the way to get out. Crate training
dogs can be a little stressful at initial stages of the
training, but the rewards will be immense once your dog learns
to retreat to his safe heaven when he or you need time out.

About The Author: Increase the happy years of your dog by
checking out my free e-book. In it I reveal all the secrets I've
used to develop a happy, healthier dog. Visit Dr. Alfonso's

dog training blog right now…

Please use the HTML version of this article at:


Common Dog Training Mistakes You Want To Avoid

I know that you do not want your dog to end in the proverbial
cage. And no dog wants to be there, too. Dogs are loving animals
characterized by their constant need for attention and craving
to please their masters. As pack animals, dogs feel a sense of
completeness and fulfillment if they have pleased the master of
the pack. And you, as the dog owner, are what they see as their
pack's leader so you are responsible for training dogs, too.

So many people make the mistake of yelling at their dogs and
hurting them. As a dog owner, the first thing you must realize
is that hurting your pet will not result in the trained dog that
you want. So let us all do away with the sanction type of
behavior modification.

The best time to start dog training is when it is still young,
that is, it is still a puppy. Postponing the puppy training,
believing that puppies cannot understand training just yet, is a
simple mistake that results to huge unwanted behavior. Later on,
dog owners will realize that the puppy is growing and has
developed a stubborn behavior. The puppy won't cooperate anymore
and its behavior, which it has become used too, is just a
horrible experience to the entire household.

Another dog training mistake a dog trainer or dog owners do is
tolerance and not paying the attention required to their dogs.
If you see your dog munching on your slippers, you have to
immediately tell it that what it's doing is unacceptable.
Tolerance, just like with humans, is a prelude to acceptance. It
is an indication that a certain behavior is considered as a norm
and not destructive. It is wrong for dog owners to assume that
dogs will later understand what is wrong or what is right.
Training and letting dogs know what is unacceptable or not
should start at the very onset of the action or behavior.

As I mentioned, dogs like pleasing their masters. During dog
training, whenever your dog does something good, you must let it
associate that action with good feelings or emotions. Many dog
owners and trainers do this by offering treats. This is not bad
and this is highly suggested since dogs like food. In the
absence of food, the kind of reward that you can offer is
praise. Dogs like high-strung voices that signify praises. Right
after a dog does something acceptable, praise it immediately,
pat its back, or cuddle it. The dog will then associate its
actions with the good emotion it felt.

Never make the mistake of neglecting good behavior. If a dog
does something good and was left unrewarded, the dog may not do
it anymore. This is very integral to training puppies as the
early stages of a dog's life are significant in training.

I think the last I want to include here is mis rewarding your
dog, if there is such a word. Sometimes, owners just cannot get
past the idea that their dog is cute when it does unacceptable
things like begging for food. So what they do is to give their
dog a scrap. This is a big mistake because you just let your dog
know that what it did—begging—is acceptable and resulted to the
very thing it wanted—food.

To avoid this from happening, you must let your household know
what you want to dog to learn. Training a dog is a collaborative
effort. Therefore, the goal should be shared by the family much
like the family does if there is a new baby at home.

About The Author: Increase the happy years of your dog by
checking out my free e-book. In it I reveal all the secrets I've
used to develop a happy, healthier dog. Visit Dr. Alfonso's

dog training blog right now…

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From Hairballs To Arthritis, Pet Nutritional Supplements Tries To Solve It

We may have a lot of differences with dogs and cats in terms of
anatomy and physiology but it appears we are no different in
nutrition development. Just as dietary supplements have become a
growing trend for us upright creatures, the current craze for
our four-legged friends are nutritional supplements. Although
veterinarians and other animal experts don't seem to see eye to
eye regarding this matter, nutritional supplements for pets have
become a major force in the animal feed department.

Besides the vast number of producers and distributors of
nutritional supplements for pets, these more natural
alternatives to pet food come in increasingly specific
varieties. Above and beyond the vitamins, minerals typical of a
food supplement, there are those with anti-oxidants and
immuno-stimulants, digestion and elimination supplements, and
high energy nutritional supplements.

Our pets won't get left behind when it comes to staying slim,
too, as there are nutritional supplements for pets that are
specifically designed for weight loss! Also, if your kitten or
puppy does not get enough milk, there are supplements that act
as milk replacer!

There are even nutritional supplements for pets that aid in
keeping them well-groomed. Skin/coat supplements and laxatives
and hairball treatments make it easier for you to keep your pet
always looking trim. Unless you're one who garbs your pet in
cute shirts, their basic all-around outfit is their skin or fur.

In the same way that we suffer stress and pain, our pets do,
too. But pet supplements providers have got this covered! There
are nutritional supplements for pets that serve to reduce pain,
stress, and anxiety. If your pet experiences arthritis and joint
pains in particular, there are supplements especially for that!
These are said to be pretty helpful also as prevention to
strengthen your pet's bones even before arthritis sets in.

It's interesting to note the sort of disclaimer that's always
present in the promotional materials. Most nutritional
supplements promise a lot of benefits but it's always balanced
off with notices that results may vary depending on your pet's
response. So one might say it doesn't really guarantee you
anything. Pretty consistent with human nutritional supplements.
Basically, it leaves you to choose whether to give it a try and
see if it works.

There are countless testimonies as to the effectiveness of
certain nutritional supplements for pets, some even from
certified experts and doctors. But, it's still you who decides
what's best for your pet. At the very least, giving ALL or a
random pick of these supplements might not be a good idea.
Consulting your personal veterinarian is.

At the onset, you should consult your veterinarian about the
diet of your pet. Some pet specialists argue that nutritional
supplements for pets are unnecessary since the formulated pet
food already has sufficient nutrients and you only have to
choose the best kind for your pet. Whether they are right or
not, it is smart to find out what is or what's not in the food
you're already feeding your pet.

About The Author: Syahrul Azlan Idris can help you find
solution for your pet meds needs. For cheap pet meds needs get
his free advice from his pet medication website at

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Where To Find Dental Products For Pets?

Oscar is having a difficult time of his life. He is always
experiencing painful dental problems for many weeks now. Some of
his teeth were chipped off and every time he eats, his gums
always hurt because of damaged teeth. It would be simple for
anyone to go to his dentist and have it diagnosed for teeth
problems, let the dentist extract a damaged tooth or teeth but
not for Oscar. It's not that simple for him. He can't even
complain orally about it. He can't just go up to anyone and let
them know about his problems. That's because Oscar is a German
Shepherd. But although he's a dog, he can still get some relief
from this malady of his and it's up to his master to find some
dental products for pets.

Just like humans, dogs and cats and other pet or any other
animals, for that matter, can also be inflicted with teeth
problems. Bear in mind that they usually use their teeth most of
the time compared to humans. Humans have hands to hold something
while they hold it in their mouth. And of course, one of the
causes of teeth problems is food. Your pet's favorite staple
food is meat especially dogs who always chew on something like
bones, sticks and stones, your slipper, your favorite shoes or
even your expensive Persian rug.

Things can be worse for them if you neglect the importance of
oral hygiene. So, you think that only humans need to take care
of those pearly whites, huh? Do you know why dogs chew on bones
all the time if they have a chance? It's also one way for them
to protect or "exercise" their teeth and jaw.

But as time goes by and your buddy is not getting any younger,
their pearly whites can deteriorate, too, just like their bones.

As a caring and loving pet owner, the first best priority that
you need to do is to find some remedy, not only for dental
problems of your favorite pets, but also some solutions for all
types of health problems and in today's modern world, looking
for health products for your pets take more than just going to
your veterinarian.

On the Internet, you will find a wide array of different health
products for your pets including dental products in just one
sweep. It's much more convenient for anybody to look for
products or services through the services of the World Wide Web.

This could be an advantage to you especially when you can't
seem to find the time shopping for something for your pet. But
anyway you look at it; you could have all the time in the world
when it comes to your pet and your pet's health.

So, if you have observed some irregularity in the behavior of
your pet, if you see some changes or if you suspect that your
little sweetie is complaining of dental problems, then, the
first thing you should do is to browse the Internet and look for
the best of all appropriate dental products for pets. Pets have
the right to good health and you should know that.

About The Author: About The Author : Syahrul Azlan Idris can
help you find solution for your pet meds needs. For flea control
for cats needs get his free advice from his flea control for
dogs website at

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Rescue A Life By Taking A Stray Dog In

Giving home to a homeless is among the most noble things, a man
is capable of doing. A stray dog who scavenges to eat and lives
at the crumbs thrown by others is not a pretty sight for most of
us, and that's the reason why most of us have entertained the
thought of bringing a stray dog home at some point of time in
our lives.

However, most of the time we did not act upon the thought
because we thought it would be too difficult to train a grown up
stray dog for these two reasons-- his being grown up and his
being a stray dog. We were wrong on both counts. Old dogs are
not less capable of learning than puppies and can learn even
faster having seen a lot of life already.

Stray dogs are hard working as they have spent a large part of
their lives struggling for food and life. They are grateful for
the security and nourishment you provide and are ready to show
that it was all worth it.

There are, however, a few things that you must do before taking
a stray dog as a pet. Take the dog to the vet and have him
examine it, for contagious diseases are a big risk in the strays
though there is nothing much to worry about, as they can be
easily treated.

Once you are through with the medical examination of the pet,
it is time to train him a little because having spent most of
his life scavenging, he would still try to find food in the
dustbin. Gently tell him "No" if that doesn't work, say a firm

That should work. After telling him not to look for food in the
dustbin take him to his meal bowl, put some food in it and let
him eat so that he gets the message as to where he would find
food in the house.

Make them associate right. For instance, if he is being
punished, he should be able to associate it with the fault. You
come back home and find your pillow chewed upon, the dog gets
punished. He'll chew it again and would hide when you come back.
He fears punishment but has not been able to associate it with
the mistake. He associates it with your coming back home and not
with his chewing the pillow. Show him the pillow, tell him not
to do it again and if he does it again, punish.

It may be a little difficult at first but the dog would
eventually learn "to learn." No matter how bothersome be the
initial roadblocks, nothing diminishes the satisfaction of
having a saved a creature from a life of torture, misery and
endless struggle.

About The Author: To get more information on pet dogs, dog
breeds and dog training and care visit

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The Three Types Of Allergic Reactions In Dog

Allergic reactions in dogs are hard to control and are usually
chronic in nature. This is why the right diagnosis and therapy
has to be started early to minimize the allergic reaction. The
most common symptom for allergic reaction in dogs is excessive
itching, or pruritis. It is the high strung dogs that tend to
itch more than placid dogs while chewing, licking and rubbing of
the skin are all manifestations of pruritis.

The common areas on the dog's body that are the hardest hit for
pruritis are its face, feet and armpit. However, due to some
extent of excessive pruritis, it might cover the whole body of
the animal. Scratching is normal for them and sometimes not a
sign of any irregularities on their skin. But when tiny blood
spots appear, it's already a sign of an allergic reaction. The
reason for this is, flea dirt comprises more of blood and they
usually appear as small blood spots in any place that they are
left behind.

Basically, there are three types of allergic reactions in dogs
where the dog may suffer from one of these reactions or a
combination of all three conditions. First is food allergy in
where a dog is allergic to ingredients or preservatives found in
food like beef, wheat, dairy products which are most common food
allergens. In addition, even premium dog foods have a tendency
to contain these products.

For some dog owners, the best way to stop allergic reactions is
to immediately "haul" their pets off to a pet store or a
veterinarian's clinic. Usually, the people running the
establishment would recommend some of their dog food to stop
these allergic reactions thinking that this is the best way to
stop excessive scratching or biting. However, they have to bear
in mind that food allergies are the least cause of allergic
problems in dogs.

With flea allergy dermatitis, it is the allergens found in the
saliva of flea that bites the dog. The flea inserts a coagulant
in the dog through the saliva to prevent the clotting of the
dog's blood, and this is what induces an allergic reaction in

However, because of the intensive research and never-ending
"crusade" to discover a cure for allergic reactions in dogs,
many treatments were administered thus diminishing the
occurrence of flea allergy dermatitis.

The last type of allergic reactions found in dogs is what they
call allergic inhaled dermatitis or atopy, a pre-inclination in
the animal to produce IgE antibodies on exposure to an allergen.

Allergic reactions will then be evident when there is a
re-exposure to the same allergen. Common causes are usually
pollen, grasses, animal wastes or animal dander, molds, mites,
house dust and feathers which can be either pass through
inhalation or through or in-between the pads of its paws.

An insect bite is something that practically everyone
experiences. It usually brings about some minor discomfort,
especially in the summer months. Though most people don't have
any problems with insect bites apart from some pain and
irritation, there are some people who suffer allergic reactions
to insect bites. This allergic reaction to insect bites is
called hymenoptera, and to people suffering from it, bites and
stings prove to be very dangerous.

About The Author: Syahrul Azlan has some great suggestion on
curing your allergic reactions. For allergic reactions help get
his free report on allergic reactions at his website at

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Pet Food Containers: The Right Storage for the Right Pet Food

Man's best friend, family member, or both - this is probably
how you look at your pet. Such a close affinity would mean that
you won't treat your pet any less than, say, your brother or
your best friend, so, needless to say, simply storing his food
in a cardboard box just won't do. Indeed, your pet doesn't only
need special pet food; this food also needs special care!

Gourmet Pet

Of course, you can always feed your pet scraps from the table,
but really, if you care for him that much, you wouldn't want to
do that. Pets, like humans, need to eat right. They have to be
able to take in the requisite vitamins and minerals in order to
be strong, happy, and healthy. What may be good for you may not
be good for Fluffy.

It may seem painfully obvious, but first you have to take into
account what your pet actually is. After all, you wouldn't want
to feed a dog cat food and vice versa.

Next, you have to take into account your pet's age. There are
recommended food for puppies and kittens, as well as adult
canines and felines.

Other factors to consider when picking pet food are your pet's
size, weight, and even breed. For best results, consulting with
your friendly neighborhood veterinarian is an excellent move.
This way, your pet is getting the food that he really should be

Pet Pantry

Once you have an idea of what your pet should be eating, it's
time to figure out how to store them. And no, you can't keep
them in your refrigerator, or in the old cardboard box your
refrigerator came in. Indeed, special pet food needs special pet
food containers. Whether your pet has a taste for dry or canned
food, there's an appropriate storage container available.

When on the lookout for pet food containers, look for air-tight
seals. Obviously, these seals keep the air out of your pet's
food, so flavor is retained and food is kept fresh. Furthermore,
unwelcome bugs, ants, and other insects will be unable to
surreptitiously crawl in, so no nasty surprises for Fluffy.

Of course, you don't want any harm coming to your pet. With
this in mind, look for the FDA seal of approval when buying pet
food containers. This certifies that the containers are of food
grade quality, meaning it's safe to store food in them without
the risk of harmful leaks that could mix with your pet's food
when exposed to direct sunlight.

You should also consider your overall budget when buying pet
food containers. If you think that you'll be purchasing pet food
in smaller amounts, then by all means, pick a container of the
appropriate size. Same principle applies if you're buying pet
food in bulk. This would help you keep track of your pet's food
intake in the long run.

Indeed, when it comes to your pet, diet is king. Not only do
you need to make sure that your pet is eating right, you also
have to make sure that his food is stored right in pet food
containers that are safe and pet-friendly.

About The Author: Getting your pet the right food isn't enough.
You have to make sure that this food is stored right in special
pet food
Whether your need cat food storage or dog food
storage(, has one for you.

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Training Dogs: Tips On Breaking Bad Pet Habits

You want a nice, disciplined dog, who doesn't chew on anything
and everything in the sight and doesn't deafen you with his
needless barks. These are one of the most common dog problems
and can be really irritating at times. They can, however, be
corrected by proper training. Here are a few effective ways of
bringing in correction in your dog's habits:

Barking come naturally to them, and what use is a dog that
doesn't even bark. However, at time dogs overdo it and keep
barking without a reason and sometimes even after their barks
have been taken cognizance of and the offending element removed.
Then, it is high time he had his lessons in "barking habits."

Most often dogs bark to tell the owner what they feel he must
know, like an intruder, any unusual moving object, any unusual
activity or sound. They feel that it is important for them to
inform you at the earliest. This kind of warning bark is
perfectly alright, but if your dog keep barking even after
having been told not to, he needs to be trained about it.

In such situations take a squirt bottle filled with water, and
every time the dog barks unnecessarily squirt the liquid right
in his face after telling him not to bark in a loud "No". The
liquid or the squirt wouldn't harm the creature but he wouldn't
like it and would get the message eventually. This is
disciplinary action and must be adopted only when the dog
doesn't respond to your verbal commands. Keep it as a second
option and not the first.

Chewing is not only destructive but is potentially dangerous to
the dog as well, because they might ingest pieces of plastic or
wood or any other harmful object that could block their
intestines, which could be life threatening. Puppies' chewing is
acceptable because that's part of teething, but if the habit is
retained into adulthood, it needs to be corrected.

It is better to start early. So, you need not wait till the dog
grows up to teach him not to chew on things that are not meant
for his chewing. The strategy for the pup as well as for the dog
remain the same. Get some toys for the dog to chew on, and train
him to restrict his chewing to them. Watch him carefully and if
he chews on things other than his chew toys, look into his eyes
at close quarters and say in a loud voice, "No!" and then offer
one of his chew toys. He would get the message as to what has to
be chewed on and what not.

Begging for food
Never give the dog to eat from your dinner table or your plate.
Make him learn that he gets nothing by begging for food but gets
to eat at the proper time. And if, unfortunately you already
have a dog who has such a habit lock him up in another room
while you eat.

You want dogs to behave well, but good behaviour is not
something one is born with. One-- be it a human or a dog-- has
to learn to behave. So, right training is the key.

About The Author: To get more information on pet dogs, dog
breeds and dog training and care visit

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Bringing A New Pup Home

So you got a little cutie puppy in your hand. He looks so cute
with his little sweet nose and playful eyes. So what next?
Naturally, you'll take the little one home...Wait for a second.
It may not be as easy as it seems. Being a pet lover, you have
many pets at home as well, and this one is a new pet and not the
only one!

In that case it is you who is responsible to build comfort
between your pets. They after all have to coexist peacefully
under one roof. If you are concerned as to how your other pets
would take to their new companion, your concerns are valid
because different animals react differently to the presence of
an additional pet. So the introduction can be a lot more tricky
than the Hello-I-am-Alice kind of very human introductions.

Ensure that you give an entire day to the animal to warm up to
its surrounding and to get accustomed to the presence of other
pet(s). When you bring it home make sure that you keep him
company. Don't leave him home alone. That could make him very,
very uncomfortable.

Now, if you have a cat at home, you need to be extra careful.
Not too much, just a little prudence would do. On the first few
times when the puppy and cat come face to face, make sure that
the puppy is on lease so that you could pull him clear of the
cat in case he reacts unpredictably. Cats are normally very
territorial and tend to assert their territorial rights. The
puppy must be made to understand early that he is not supposed
to intrude into the cat's personal space, neither should he
meddle with cats things. They'll eventually grow friendly, but
if they do not contact your vet as soon as you can.

If there is another dog at home, the lease rule remains so that
no uncalled for harm is done. If there are many dogs at home,
ensure that the puppy gets to know each of them separately and
there is no collective introduction. The little one should not
be taken to the big dog, for in that case the big one will be
meeting the young one in his territory, which could be rather
menancing the newcomer.

A little bit of growling and sniffing is natural but snapping
and biting are not. So, if they indulge in any such unacceptable
behaviour, they must be disciplined. Make sure that your current
dog does not feel left out on the account of the new pet. So,
make sure that your affection towards him increases.

Seniority must be maintained in eating and playing. So, when it
is time to eat, the new one should eat separately and its food
should be served only after the older ones. The new toys must
also first go to the senior pets.

They'll gradually grow into good companions and you'll have a
nice little happy family of friendly pets.

About The Author: To get more information on pet dogs, dog
breeds and dogs visit

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Discover the Best Dog Grooming Tips From a Top Expert

All dogs require grooming, how frequently depends on the coat
type of the dog. When you bring your new puppy home the last
thing you might be thinking about is getting the grooming kit
out, especially with his lovely soft puppy coat. However,
introducing your dog to grooming early in his life is essential
if you want a dog that will find the process of grooming
tolerable – if not pleasant. At this stage of his life it will
also strengthen the bond between puppy and new owner.

Get him used to his feet and nails being held, examined and
gently squeezed and gently open his mouth and check his mouth,
teeth and gums. Lift the ear flap and look inside and lift his
tail to check the anal area. As well as him being conditioned to
letting you examine him regularly, these checks will ensure an
easier and less stressful time at any forthcoming parlour visits
or veterinary examinations.

This is particularly important for the high maintenance breeds
that require regular grooming either at home or at the grooming
parlour. In addition to regular home handling it is wise to get
the dog used to being placed on a table, but do ensure that
grooming sessions for the younger dog are not too lengthy or you
run the risk of him becoming bored and restless. Shorter
sessions are best, and inviting other members of the family to
take over will increase his confidence in being handled by
different people.

Introduce him to a soft brush at an early stage, just a few
strokes at a time before he becomes restless or tries to chew
the brush. Reward his patience with praise or a small treat
gradually increase the amount of strokes you apply to the coat.
A little time in the first few weeks of your lives together will
make a great difference to the way he can be handled in the

Keep him comfortable and support him on the table making sure
that nothing loud or scary occurs. To be spooked now might
affect his confidence in the future. Use the correct command
"stand" and praise as necessary.

Regular grooming allows you as the owner to assess the
condition of your dogs' coat through inspection.

The coat should be glossy and healthy looking, the eyes should
be bright and alert, tail held aloft and wagging with a spring
in his step. A good healthy balanced diet, the right amount of
exercise and regular grooming contribute to the condition of
your dog's coat.

Choosing a particular breed of dog suits our personalities and
possibly our own personal image. To choose a stylish dog and to
keep it looking stylish a great deal of work is required on the
owner's part or a great deal of money to send him to the

When a dog has had his weekly groom or visit to the
hairdressers, it makes both him and us feel good.

About The Author: Madeleine Harding is a dog grooming expert
who runs a successful dog
grooming business in Chichester, West Sussex, UK. She trained at
the renowned Brinsbury College and works with all kinds of
different dog breeds. She uses her specialist skills to groom
each dog according to their individual needs.

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